Klantbeoordeling 9,8/10

Prevent and remedy pain from a misaligned vertebra with chiropractic care

Unfortunately, almost everyone is familiar with back pain. Fortunately, these are often temporary symptoms, such as after too little rest, poor posture or unusual exertion.

But there are also people who suffer from back pain much more frequently. Pain that keeps coming back or stays present for a very long time. In these cases, calming down or just moving a little more is not the solution.

There is a reason the pain keeps coming back, and that cause must be found. As chiropractors, we focus on health with the back as the center of our body. In this article, we’ll tell you more about the symptoms you can experience from a vertebra that is misaligned (out of balance).

Of course, we’ll also tell you how we can help people do this!

What exactly is going on with a vertebra that is crooked?

It sounds pretty intense, a vertebra misaligned. But this does not necessarily mean that the vertebra has a completely different position and has shifted a lot. A misaligned vertebra can be very subtle. We often call this a vertebra that is out of balance.

But this does not mean that it does not cause complaints. Because even from a table that is only a tiny bit crooked, your pencil can roll off that. So a very slight stance deviation, can be enough for a major effect. This is exactly what is going on when a vertebra is out of balance.

Because the position is not optimal, there is pressure and tension on the vertebra. Not only on the vertebra itself, but also on the structures around it. The vertebra is strong and resistant to pressure. The spine is the base of our body for a reason. But the nerves, muscles and ligaments surrounding the vertebra are much more vulnerable.

These can be seriously disrupted when a vertebra is not in the correct position. The increased pressure and tension can cause disruption in the region surrounding the vertebra. And this can cause very unpleasant symptoms such as pain.

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A subluxation due to a vertebra that is not balanced

When the balance of a vertebra is disturbed, subluxations can occur. These are blockages or disruptions of a nerve. Actually a bit similar to a bad connection while calling. Because of a subluxation, information does not get through properly, disrupting nerve function.

This can cause signal transmission to malfunction, causing symptoms. A familiar complaint here is pain. The vertebra causes a blockage of one or more nerves running around the vertebra. The nerve then sends a signal: pain.

The key in taking care of the pain, then, lies in correcting the misaligned vertebra. This allows the nerve to resume its work undisturbed and the pain will decrease. The chiropractor has several techniques to make this possible.

Chiropractic care for a misaligned vertebra

The first step is always the physical examination and interview. This is often supplemented by a special back scan, the Myovision scan. This is a chiropractic scan that gives us a lot of information about the force a vertebra has to endure and how this force and stress affects the area around the vertebra.

The combination of the physical examination and the results of the scan, give us valuable information about the position and balance of the vertebrae. We can combine these with the information from the interview to determine the cause of the symptoms.

Then we can use manual corrections (cracking) to rebalance the vertebrae. In addition, it is important to address the reason for the imbalance. What forces caused the vertebra to become crooked in the first place?

This can be due to more incorrect posture, an imbalance between muscle groups or intoxications. So we also examine what caused the vertebra to become crooked, so we can remove this cause to prevent the symptoms from returning.

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Come to TOPCHIRO with back pain

Everyone knows that chiropractors are the real back experts. This is especially true for our chiropractors because we are constantly working to improve our care.

So when you suffer from back pain, know that we are here for you!