Chiropractic care offers a valuable solution if you suffer from chronic or acute pain, such as neck pain, back pain, a herniated disc or migraines. TOPCHIRO is a well-established chiropractic practice in Utrecht that helps you reduce symptoms and prevent them in the future. Our chiropractor in Utrecht offers expert help and effective treatments that will last you a lifetime. Read all about the treatments at our chiropractic practice in Utrecht and making a appointment.
There are many reasons to choose our chiropractic practice in Utrecht. First, you enjoy many benefits of chiropractic care. With us, not only are the pains get treated, but we look at the cause of the symptoms. This ensures long-term results and improved overall health.
The chiropractor in Utrecht is expert, experienced and takes a personalised approach. Thanks to advanced techniques, you will soon enjoy a pain-free life. Chiropractic care in Utrecht also improves your mobility and makes you less likely to fall ill. This is because correcting the spine (‘back cracking’) in Utrecht has a positive effect on the nervous system.
The chiropractor in Utrecht is happy to help you get rid of neck pain, back pain or other pain in Utrecht. Contact directly TOPCHIRO for fast and effective treatment.
Monday: 08:30-12:00 / 16:00-19:00 Tuesday: 08:30-12:00 / 16:00-19:00 Wednesday: 08:30-12:00 / 16:00-19:00 Thursday: 08:30-12:00 / 16:00-19:00 Friday: 08:30-12:00 / 16:00-19:00 Saturday: 08:30-12:00 Address: Rijnlaan 12, 3522 BN Utrecht Phone number: 030 207 3019
Back pain is common at chiropractic practice in Utrecht. TOPCHIRO treats your back pain or herniated disc in Utrecht quickly and effectively, and helps you prevent the pain in the future. This is because the chiropractor in Utrecht looks at the underlying cause of the back pain.
Dit doet de arts ook bij een hernia in Utrecht.
Denk aan een verkeerde beweging of een verkeerde houding, overbelasting, of aandoeningen zoals osteoarthritis.
Door middel van het corrigeren van de wervelkolom – ook bekend als rug kraken – in Utrecht, wordt de druk op de zenuwen verminderd en het natuurlijke genezingsproces gestimuleerd.
Veel patiënten met rugpijn of een hernia merken na een aantal behandelingen bij de chiropractor in Utrecht al veel verlichting.
Daarnaast geeft de arts advies over houding, ergonomie en oefeningen om verdere rugklachten in Utrecht te voorkomen.
These subscriptions are offered only to clients who have completed the first and second phases of the treatment plan. In addition, one must have participated in a health orientation evening and must have received the information from the Stress Talk and Soft-Tissue Talk. Payment for these subscriptions is by direct debit only. NOTE: Health insurance does not pay for maintenance or preventive care.
‘The treatments are not cheap but worth it for me! It helped me a lot, fine chiropractor too.’
‘I came to Topchiro in Utrecht with neurological complaints. The complaints were unbearable. I had on my right face a lot of nerve stimuli, pain etc. First time after my treatment I already felt the old man again. I could talk and laugh again. I also know that at the first treatment I am not finished. My posture was skewed. Right side was completely stuck. I have now entered a course with Topchiro for a good recovery. For now, I am thankful for how I feel now.’
Been suffering from migraines and chronic headaches for 15 years. Tried all sorts of things. According to the neurologist, I was at the end of treatment and had to learn to live with it. Now I am running at TopChiro for 1.5th month and after weeks already difference. I have more energy. Went from 6-8 migraine attacks per month to 1 per month. I haven’t been able to look over my shoulder for years, but now I can move my neck smoothly again. It’s an investment in time and money, but well worth it to me!
Neck complaints, such as neck pain, are also common at our practice in Utrecht. This is partly because many people build up muscle tension in the neck. Other causes of Neck pain in Utrecht could be incorrect posture, draughts or air conditioning, wear and tear on the neck or whiplash. Neck pain can lead to related complaints such as headache or even migraines. You may also suffer from chronic neck pain or acute neck pain in Utrecht. Both can be treated well by the chiropractor at TOPCHIRO in Utrecht and its surroundings. Thanks to the holistic approach, both the symptoms and the causes are addressed, so you can quickly enjoy a life without neck pain and maintain the results.
The first step to a healthier life without pain, is an appointment with our chiropractor in Utrecht. At the first consultation, extensive time is taken to go through the complaints with you, make a scan of the spine and draw up a treatment plan. Our chiropractic practice in Utrecht is known for a personal and professional approach, with you, the patient, always at the centre. We are here to help you get rid of pain or injuries and improve your overall well-being. Don’t wait any longer and make an appointment with our chiropractor in Utrecht today. The practice is located at Rijnlaan 12, in the city centre.
Chiropractic care is usually covered under a supplementary insurance policy. Please contact your health insurance company to make sure your treatment will be reimbursed. You can also find more information on our website:
A chiropractor cares for the human body from the fact that all bodily processes are controlled from the nervous system. The nervous system consists of the brain, spinal cord and other nerves.
This varies from person to person. We often recommend an intensive period at the beginning to get the best results, after which you gradually need to come less often.
That adults go to the chiropractor (usually due to pain in the back or neck) has long been known. That chiropractic care is supportive for a variety of complaints is unfortunately less well known. It is a very good idea to support children with chiropractic care. Basically, the earlier the better. We therefore welcome babies as young as a few weeks old into our practice. During birth, subluxations can already occur!
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