Many people think chiropractic is only for musculoskeletal pain. For example, pain in the neck, back, knee or shoulder. Many people with headaches also know how to find the chiropractor because headaches are often accompanied by a stiff neck.
What most people don’t know, however, is that chiropractic care can improve all kinds of symptoms. Today I’d like to explain to you exactly how that works and give some real-life examples.
Tinnitus and chiropractic care
Jack has suffered greatly from Tinnitus for some time. In other words, suffering from tinnitus. An annoying complaint that is often underestimated. In fact, you can suffer immensely from this 24/7 and have trouble concentrating and sleeping, among other things. Jack has tried several things to get rid of his tinnitus to no avail, and so decided to see a chiropractor. In fact, tinnitus or tinnitus can be caused by poor nerve flow from the neck. Depending on how long subluxations have been present, we often see great improvement to complete disappearance of symptoms!
With a hormonal change, joints become laxer and an imbalance in the body develops more quickly. The better your spine is balanced, the better your nervous system can do its job. This means optimal functioning and optimal development and positioning of the baby!
Ecrin came in with incipient scoliosis. The hospital was told there was nothing to do about it except wait until it worsened so an aggressive brace could be fitted.
During the examination, we found an imbalance in the position of the pelvis that required her spine to compensate at the top. (A natural compensatory response that often occurs when the pelvis goes out of balance).
By correcting this imbalance we stabilize a worsening of scoliosis and in many cases we see an improvement to complete disappearance of scoliosis!