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Hoe moet ik omgaan met een hernia tijdens de zwangerschap en bevalling?

Back pain is common during pregnancy. This is also not surprising when you consider that the back is put under extra strain due to higher body weight and that muscles are less taxable due to hormonal changes.

But what if the back pain is caused by a herniated disc? This can raise all sorts of questions, such as: is a hernia harmful to my baby? Or, is a hernia dangerous for me during my pregnancy or childbirth? And do the symptoms go away again after childbirth?

On this page, we will answer these questions and explain what a chiropractor can do to reduce symptoms.

What is a hernia?

The spine consists of vertebrae with soft cushions of cartilage between them called intervertebral discs. In the center of these intervertebral discs is a soft gel. If this gel bulges out, it can press on nerves. We speak of a hernia in this case.

A herniated disc can cause pain and a burning, prickling or numb sensation in the area where the disrupted nerve is responsible. Depending on the location of your herniated disc, symptoms may radiate to your arms or legs.

The development of a herniated disc is often related to genetic factors, where there is a congenital weakness of the intervertebral discs. Other risk factors include stress, smoking, being tall and doing heavy physical work. You might expect that pregnancy could also be the cause of a herniated disc. However, this is not the case.

Hernia zwangerschap

Is a hernia during pregnancy dangerous?

Did you already have a hernia when you became pregnant or did you find out during your pregnancy that you have a hernia? Then it is good to know that a hernia has no harmful effects on the baby.

Unfortunately, herniated disc pain does increase during pregnancy in most cases. Added to this, surgery is not possible and drug treatment is strongly discouraged. This means it is more difficult to combat pain symptoms during pregnancy. Chiropractic care during pregnancy still offers the opportunity to recover from a herniated disc.

What can chiropractic care do for me with a herniated disc during pregnancy?

In some cases, a herniated disc recovers on its own. The bulging intervertebral disc then recedes on its own and, as a result, no longer presses on the nerve. To achieve this, however, it is important to eliminate the underlying cause of the hernia. After all, there is a reason it did not occur before.

The power of chiropractic is that the chiropractor looks for the cause of the symptoms and then takes care of it. The symptoms then disappear. Not because they are suppressed but because the cause is no longer present.

Are you pregnant and struggling with a hernia? When you visit at one of our practices, our chiropractors will paint as complete a picture of your situation as possible. An important part of this is determining the cause of your hernia. We will then correct the abnormalities that have occurred, restoring the mobility of your spine. In this way, the spine is rebalanced and subluxations are taken care of.

Because of pregnancy, our chiropractors will use special techniques to treat your herniated disc. This allows you to be treated until the day before delivery. Treatment will be supplemented with personalized advice and exercises for both pregnancy and childbirth. In this way, we see that women who have received treatment from us often go into labor more confidently.

The care at chiropractic practice TOPCHIRO

Our chiropractors at Topchiro will focus heavily on finding the cause and perpetuating factors of your herniated disc. We will then create a personalized treatment plan. By removing the cause and factors that perpetuate the herniated disc , your body can recover.

Still have questions or want to begin your recovery? Then contact us with no obligation!