Klantbeoordeling 9,8/10

Complaints to the C4 cervical vertebra: Explanation of the upper cervical vertebrae

The C4 cervical vertebra is approximately at the level of Adam’s apple. Not surprisingly, disturbances around this vertebra, for example, can cause throat pain.

However, these are not the only complaints that can be caused by the C4 cervical vertebra. Subluxations of this vertebra, can also cause shoulder pain or complaints such as colds. But also our breathing and even our sleep are related to the C4 vertebra.

Disruptions or subluxations of the C4 vertebra can thus cause varied problems. Fortunately, a skilled chiropractor can help with this. How we do this, we tell you in this article.

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The consequences of a subluxation of the fourth cervical vertebra

The C4 vertebra, measured from the head is the fourth vertebra. The cervical vertebra is counted among the cervical vertebrae, meaning it is a vertebra from the neck region. The vertebra is located approximately in the middle of the neck, at the level of the larynx.

This is also directly one of the areas closely connected to the nerves that exit our spinal cord around the C4 vertebra. A disruption or subluxation in this region, therefore, can cause symptoms here.

A subluxation does not require severe nerve entrapment like a herniated disc. A subluxation can be much more subtle. With a small imbalance in the balance of the vertebrae, a disruption in a nerve can occur. This may be because the canal through which the nerve runs becomes narrowed or because stimulated muscles or tendons leave less room for the nerves.

When subluxation occurs around the C4 vertebra, a number of important nerves can be disrupted. These can include nerves related to breathing, sleep and moving our arms and shoulders.

What are the symptoms of a subluxation of vertebra C4

A chiropractor will never pinpoint one “simple” cause for a complaint. Our bodies are far too complex to be easily dysregulated. When symptoms arise, it means that even the compensatory mechanisms are unable to adequately take over the function or cope with the change.

For example, there are both nerves around the C3 and C4 vertebrae involved in our breathing. Therefore, a disruption around the fourth cervical vertebra need not acutely cause symptoms because it is controlled by multiple nerves. Instead, this makes it more insidious and chronic complaints such as asthma and COPD, which can be related to an imbalance of vertebra C4.

However, the aforementioned sleep problems are also characteristic of a subluxation of vertebra C4. The same goes for thyroid complaints (are strongly associated with weight complaints) and nervousness.

The chiropractic treatment of a C4 subluxation

When the nerves that leave the spinal cord around the C4 vertebra cannot run uninterrupted there, disruptions occur in the body parts or body functions to which the nerves run.

Because a chiropractor knows exactly where the nerves go, a chiropractor can identify which nerves are pinched based on the symptoms and physical examination.

Treatment is then aimed at correcting these subluxations. A chiropractor can do this by restoring the balance of the vertebra. Often things like muscle weakness, intoxications or incorrect posture perpetuate the subluxation. Therefore, a chiropractor will then take care of these issues because this is what is causing the symptoms.

As a result, a chiropractor creates those conditions, within which the body itself can recover.

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