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Chiropractic in Children

Chiropractic in Children

Children in particular benefit from chiropractic care

Chiropractic is more than treating symptoms. Chiropractic is the promotion of the body’s natural strength by clearing blockages and properly stimulating the body.

Especially in children, chiropractic care is therefore enormously important. Children are growing and are therefore laying the foundation for their future. Doing this are both mental and physical. Blockages such as subluxations or misalignments can still have an impact years later.

For this reason, chiropractors are especially concerned with children’s health.

By clearing blockages and allowing the body to function optimally, children can reach their full potential both physically and mentally.

And will be built on a stable platform in later years.

Causes of Complaints in Children

Children’s bodies are developing rapidly. Muscles, bones and other structures alternate growth spurts. This can cause uneven pressure or skew body parts.

Add to this falling down and sometimes poor posture (sitting crooked, hanging) and, of course, hereditary factors.
The consequences can be diverse; fortunately, many symptoms can be remedied with the right care!

Common Concerns in Children

The growth that children go through puts extra pressure and stress on the body. In this regard, there are a number of complaints/problems that occur regularly.

Scoliosis: misalignment of the spine

Our body is built around our spine. This means that other structures are connected to the vertebrae and put a lot of pressure on them. Because this pressure is sometimes uneven, the spine can be loaded unevenly. This can cause misalignment of the spine.

Especially in children, this is a very bothersome complaint, also because misalignment of the back can cause additional problems later in life.

Unbalanced Leg Length: Often a Problem of the Back

Uneven leg length and thus pelvic misalignment is also often related to a problem in the back. Because muscles are cramped, one side of the pelvis is pulled up.

An uneven position of the pelvis then results in a length difference in the legs.

Our Approach to Problems in Children

Resolution of symptoms begins with an intake where we do a thorough examination. This includes looking at such things as body symmetry, muscle tone and posture. Nerves can also be stimulated to map any subluxations.

By then performing targeted corrections, recommending exercises and recommending a change in posture, the chiropractor can resolve blockages. After the corrections, there is often a period of focus on maintenance of the body to prevent the recurrence of subluxations.

Frequently asked questions about chiropractic in Children

Is chiropractic care for children safe?

Yes definitely The chiropractor is aware of treatment techniques and their advantages and disadvantages. Thus, with children, only appropriate gentle techniques will be used.

How often should my child return?

This has to do with the complaint on the one hand but also with prevention. Just as you visit a dentist regularly for checkups, so too can you visit your chiropractor. By checking regularly and sometimes making slight adjustments, a lot of problems can be prevented.

How do I recognize symptoms in my children?

The real examination is done by the specialist chiropractor. You can, however, watch for indications that may require help from a chiropractor.

Will my Child Benefit from Care from a Chiropractor

These three indications can quickly tell you that your child may benefit from chiropractic correction.

  1. Both legs are not the same length: This may be due to misalignment or unequal muscle tone. In this, a skirt may hang crookedly or pant legs may appear uneven.
  2. Unevenly worn shoes may indicate misalignment or poor posture
  3. A difference in height of the shoulder may indicate a misalignment or postural problem

Take your children seriously, offer them the best health. It is precisely in the young years that the foundation is laid for health in later life.

Getting children in touch with the right help early on can prevent a lot of problems.

Optimal health often begins with the chiropractor for your children as well.

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