Klantbeoordeling 9,8/10

What is a Subluxation

What is a Subluxation

What is a Subluxation and what does it do to me?

A subluxation occurs when one or more vertebrae in the spine move out of their ideal position and/or when there is a restriction of movement between two vertebral joints (fixation).

This can cause pressure and/or irritation on a spinal nerve of the spinal cord, resulting in functional impairment of the nerve. Spinal nerves are the nerves that emerge from the spinal cord between two vertebrae in the spine. Pressure or irritation on these nerves can interfere with communication from nerves among themselves or from nerves to the body.

This has a great effect on the functioning of our bodies!



The chiropractor is not only involved in complaints, precisely
Prevention of symptoms is the specialty of chiropractic ….


Causes of Subluxations

Causes of subluxation are 3 different types of stress:



This is often caused by a sudden and unforeseen movement e.g. whiplash car accident, a fall down the stairs, a misstep because one did not see a step and do not forget sports injuries. But, mechanical stress can also come from less obvious issues such as chronic overuse, improper lifting, incorrect posture, improper footwear, etc..

Even childbirth is a known cause of subluxations due to mechanical stress.

It is quite possible that the symptoms may not appear until much later, which sometimes complicates the diagnosis.



The human body cannot tolerate certain substances such as e.g. nicotine, caffeine and drugs.

Coffee, for example, can cause chronic subluxation of the thoracic vertebrae because coffee can irritate the stomach lining. Irritation of the gastric mucosa leads to excess nerve impulses to the spinal cord. That part of the spinal cord becomes overloaded, causing a contraction of the muscles between the vertebrae at that level.

This will cause the motion segment to move worse: The subluxation has occurred.

The irritation continues and the impulses flow to other nerve pathways such as to the large abdominal muscles.

Not enough vitamins, not enough water, smoking, eating too fatty/processed foods, alcohol, aspartame, etc. can also cause subluxation.



Stress is a common phenomenon in this day and age. Stress works cumulatively, that is, it builds up. Stress produces increased muscle tension which leads to the development of subluxations. These subluxations in turn cause more muscle tension, creating a vicious cycle.

In breaking this circle, the chiropractor plays an important role.


Free of Subluxations

Recent research increasingly demonstrates the negative effects of subluxations on our bodies. Similarly, there is increasing evidence that removing subluxations increases our body’s resiliency.

To function in a truly healthy way, your nervous system must be free of any disturbance in the transmission of its signals.
The latter is the job of a chiropractor. As an expert in the field of health, the chiropractor is a specialist in removing blockages and promoting optimal health.

We would love to get in touch with you to be able to help you too (re)find your optimal health.


Can I just drop by a Chiropractor?

Yes, you can just do that at TOPCHIRO!

You can always call us or send us an email. No referral from a general practitioner, for example, is needed; you can contact them yourself.

You can then often join us within one to a few days!

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