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Can a chiropractor straighten a crooked back?

Can a chiropractor straighten a crooked back?

The back is an important part of the body because of its central location. Back pain can interfere with daily activities and cause fatigue. In addition, the pain may radiate to other parts of your body. One possible cause of such back pain is a crooked back, which in turn can have several problems. On this page, you can read about exactly what this is like and how a chiropractor can provide proper care for a crooked back.

How does a crooked back occur?

When your back is crooked, your spine is not functioning as it should. The spine should be straight from front and back view. Looking from the side, the back does not go completely straight.

In fact, at the level of the neck and lower back, the spine bends forward and, at the level of the chest, it bends backward. These natural curves allow you to bear the weight of your upper body and absorb shock better.

Two things can be going on with a crooked back: there may be excessive forward curvature at the top of the spine at the level of the neck, or sideways curvature in the middle of the back. When there is a forward curvature we refer to it as kyphosis and when there is a sideways curvature we refer to it as scoliosis.

Scoliosis and kyphosis can be congenital or can be caused by aging or a muscle or nerve disorder. Consider a herniated disc, sciatica, weight bearing or osteoporosis. Scoliosis can also occur when you try to compensate for a leg length difference or poor posture.

However, in most cases, the cause of kyphosis or scoliosis is not known. In that case, the crooked back is probably caused by genetic factors. In childhood, nothing is wrong, but then in growth, something goes wrong.

Chiropractic care for crooked back

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The symptoms of a crooked back

A crooked back can cause a variety of symptoms. Because the natural shape of your spine is disrupted, you are less able to bear the weight of your upper body and absorb shock. As a result, in addition to back pain, you may also experience pain in the neck and shoulders. When nerves are damaged, the pain may even radiate to your legs.

In addition to pain, the unnatural shape of the spine can cause decreased back mobility and balance problems. When the spine puts pressure on your lungs, you may also experience breathing problems. Finally, it is not crazy if you experience more fatigue than usual. This is because the changed posture causes you to have to put more effort into staying balanced.


How can a chiropractor help with a crooked back?

A chiropractor does not reposition bones and therefore will not be able to completely straighten your crooked back. However, a chiropractor can help straighten your back by balancing your spine and nervous system or strengthening your muscles.

In addition, pain can be reduced by removing blockages or disruptions, allowing the nerves, muscles and intervertebral discs to perform their duties again. Here the focus is on the spine and nervous system.

To provide you with the proper care, we believe it is important to first determine whether a condition such as a herniated disc or sciatica underlies your crooked back. This way, the pain is addressed at the problem and nothing is overlooked. Of course, care will also be provided for any herniated disc or sciatica that may have been diagnosed.

In addition, it is important to improve posture. This not only aims to relieve your pain, but also has a preventive effect to avoid recurring symptoms!

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What does chiropractic care look like for a crooked back?

The main technique used by chiropractors is manipulation and is also known as ” cracking.” This involves addressing joints where an abnormality or blockage has been identified. Exerting pressure on the spine creates very small movements in the joints and restores range of motion. This relieves the nerves responsible for the pain, so to speak, which reduces the pain.

Exercise can be an important part of your care plan. In fact, in response to the pain, you tighten some muscles extra. Stretching exercises allow these muscles to relax again. In addition, exercises can help strengthen the abdominal and back muscles. This contributes to better posture and extra protection for ligaments, tendons and joints, making them less likely to hurt.

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Recovery from a crooked back at TOPCHIRO

Our chiropractors at TOPCHIRO will set up a personalized care plan. The premise of this is to work together to effectively resolve your symptoms and prevent recurring ones. Because of its broad expertise and commitment, a chiropractor is the right person to help you get rid of your back pain!

If you have any questions or would like to start your recovery, please feel free to contact us!

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