Is it safe to crack my neck?
Almost everyone has intentionally or unintentionally cracked a joint in the body. But why do joints actually get “cracked” from time to time, and is this healthy?
All about chiropractic care!
Almost everyone has intentionally or unintentionally cracked a joint in the body. But why do joints actually get “cracked” from time to time, and is this healthy?
Back pain is a broad term for pain or discomfort in the back. Back pain is incredibly common in the population. Chiropractic care can help you reduce back pain.
A chiropractor can help you with dizziness symptoms. Do you suffer from a spinning sensation, lightheadedness or instability? Chiropractic care can remedy these complaints.
Shoulder problems often arise from overuse of the shoulder and the structures around it. Overexertion can occur if you often do the same movement in succession, lift heavily, push heavily or work above your head.
Nerve pain involves pain in an area associated with a particular nerve. Another word for nerve pain is neuropathy. There are several forms of nerve pain, the most well-known being sciatica.
Because of the important role of nerves in the body, neuropathy can cause many different and especially very unpleasant symptoms. For example, pain, muscle weakness and a numb and tingling sensation are common symptoms.
When the nerves that leave the spinal cord around the C4 vertebra cannot run uninterrupted there, disruptions occur in the body parts or body functions to which the nerves run.
Everyone likes to see his or her baby healthy. A baby cannot yet indicate what is bothering him or her, but it may be obvious that the baby is not feeling well. Chiropractors and osteopaths are trained.
In most cases, spitting up does not hurt and usually goes away by the time your baby is one year old. However, reflux is annoying and may mean the baby is stressed somewhere else in the body.
Heb je last van zenuwpijn in je been en weet je niet hoe je van je klachten af kunt komen? Our chiropractors at TOPCHIRO will explore ways to reduce your symptoms and thereby improve function.
When the balance of a vertebra is disturbed, subluxations can occur. These are blockages or disruptions of a nerve. Actually a bit similar to a bad connection while calling.
Are you pregnant and struggling with a hernia? When you visit at one of our practices, our chiropractors will paint as complete a picture of your situation as possible. An important part of this is determining the cause of your hernia.